
The Beloved Gallery depicts the inner journey of a woman after immersing into the WingMakers materials.

Scientists are well aware that we cannot hold true to any rigid dogma, or theories in the quantum field, in which it pays to be open to the endless possibilities. Similarly this is a sensitive subject in the world of cultural, historical and religious beliefs.

In the spirit of oneness and equality, we ask that you temporarily suspend your historical beliefs and approach this as a seeker of truth in terms of the true origins of humanity. The truth may well find you in the story itself… as indeed it did for the woman, who had no idea of the journey taking place or her role in it.

We can share that the journey actually took place between 2004 and 2012. The best advice we can offer is to approach the artworks and the book with the open-minded curiosity of a child, or a playful dolphin, without expectations.

“Remember innocence is key.”