

The story interweaves myth-making with historical texts in a unifying and magical alchemy to spark the hearts and imaginations of its readers. Mythology is true for everyone and, in this sense, the Beloved Book is a part of Humanity’s collective journey back to Source, the Origin of Us.
In other words, a journey to wholeness
— the Great Mystery. 

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The gallery depicts the inner journey of a woman from 2004 to 2012 after immersing into the WingMakers materials. The journey itself is based upon actual events portrayed in a mythical setting.  Approach the artworks and the book with the open-minded curiosity of a child, or a playful dolphin, without expectations.  Remember, innocence is key.

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I remember the first day I fell in love with Life
The blinders of fear had been removed.
And I saw sparkling vibrant life
peeking through everything,
every atom… every animal
every person… every plant
And I fell in love.
I called it God then… now I call it Life.

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The Beloved is a collaborative project that is based on real life events, portrayed as a myth in such a way as to spark the heart and imagination of its readers. The Ishayas say that Boanerge was fond of using this style of communication for seekers of truth. 

The story has been gathering momentum since 2004 and finally came into being. The Beloved Project is a contribution towards the co-creation of Equality and Oneness in the bedrock of human existence, the heart of our planet and in the larger picture… All of Life Itself. 

The book will be free for everyone to read online. Certain parts may change in editing as the story evolves, but the central essence remains the same. Our collective journey to wholeness —the Great Mystery— is an ongoing process, unfolding in its own time and own way, one person at a time. 

A Blessing to All ~ May everyone – in all times and places – experience the Tone of Equality and become Sovereign Integrals.
From our hearts to yours,


Memorial Day 2012